Grinnum, Green Innovation Forum, Stockholm-Sweden

Green innovation Forum

Let us save our planet together NOW!

Welcome to Grinnum

A Green forum for Heath-Earth-Friendy innovation, technologies and solutions

Main topics

The Green

Health-Earth-Friendly Transition

Our planet was formed billions of years ago, and since then, a multitude of physical, chemical, and biological processes have taken place. These processes created the conditions for humans to evolve and become one of the most intelligent species on the planet. As a result, we have built civilizations that provide safety, comfort, and joy in our lives. However, with human progress has come considerable damage to the earth in a variety of fields, particularly over the last few centuries.


The world faces a critical situation affecting humans, animals, and nature.
Radical changes and new solutions are necessary to save people and our planet and safeguard prosperity. Therefore, United Nations formulated various plans containing goals and targets to stimulate actions in areas of critical importance for humanity and the earth. Agenda 2030 is the UN's current plan for the sustainable development of our planet. This transitional development involves making radical and immediate changes in our lifestyles and habits while implementing sustainable forms of using and protecting natural resources. Additionally, sustainable technical innovations and developments, often in the form of startups or disruptive ideas, can help facilitate and accelerate this transition in the right direction and at a reasonable pace.

Please join us for together being part of the solution.

Grinnum is a proactive, dynamic, and creative forum based in Stockholm, Sweden, with a valuable and skilled international network. Our main goal is to boost and expand the required Green Transition worldwide. To achieve this goal, we undertake several activities: identifying, evaluating, assisting, promoting, evolving, investing, cooperating, or managing sustainable Earth-Health-Friendly ideas, products, services, models, research, trades, or

developments. By working closely with our international network and utilizing our expertise, we strive to create a sustainable future for all.

Don't miss these fantastic innovations

Mix Apsnap with water-based paint and coat your walls with a material that effortlessly purifies and sanitises your indoor air.
The eco-friendly Soleric made from organic polymers can be applied to surfaces with any shape
A revolutionary polymer plastic, degradable in 150 days with outstanding antibacterial properties for avoiding food spoilage.

Each day, we unavoidably impact the world we live in. The things we choose to do or not do can have a significant impact, and it's up to us to determine the type of impact we wish to have.

 Why Grinnum?

The Green Transition that is necessary on a global scale is the culmination of countless individual efforts made locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally. While some of these efforts can be efficiently planned, organized, managed, supported, and financed, many others struggle to find their place in the "Green" movement for a variety of reasons.

Grinnum was created to provide support for individuals or groups who possess innovation. "Green" ideas, inventions, or solutions but lack the necessary connections, market insight, financial resources, or managerial, entrepreneurial, commercializing, marketing, or sales skills to bring their vision to fruition. Our aim is to provide genuine, efficient, professional, and valuable assistance to help these individuals or groups achieve their goals.

If you have identified a pervasive issue that poses a threat to our health or the environment, we urge you to contact us immediately.

Our network of experts can collaborate to develop effective solutions to address the problem. Don't hesitate to reach out to us today.

Our activities

The Green Transition involves designing, creating, executing, evaluating, modelling, and developing a sustainable transitional ecosystem that mobilizes essential components such as individuals, groups, and organizations. This ecosystem consists of inventors, investors, the public sector, industry, academia, and others who share a common goal of promoting sustainability. By working together, these stakeholders can drive meaningful change and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.


To achieve successful outcomes, it is crucial to have well-planned activities, well-executed efforts, and clear communication among all involved parties. Grinnum aims to be a genuine inspiration, a dependable bridge, and an efficient coordinator in the transitional ecosystem. Therefore, we are delighted to provide tailored services to the following categories:

  • Inventors/Start-Ups,
  • Investors,
  • Public sectors 
  • Corporates

To inventors and Startup entities, we can offer the following services:

  • Coaching, mentorship and business development
  • Presenting high-potential investors
  • Designing commercialisation, marketing and sales strategies
  • Facilitating legal and practical issues

To investors, we can offer the following services:

  • Presenting high-potential investment cases
  • Facilitating legal and practical issues
  • Monitoring and evaluating investment cases
  • Creating "exit" strategies

To public sectors, we can offer the following services:

  • Identifying non-earth-friendly fields
  • Presenting Green solutions
  • Designing the "green transition" process
  • Managing and sourcing the "green transition." 

To corporates, we can offer the following services:

  • Identifying "green change" potential 
  • Designing the "green transition" process
  • Managing and sourcing the "green transition." 
  • Facilitating B2B "green" cooperations or trade

Do you have innovative ideas and solutions to tackle pervasive problems that are detrimental to our health or the environment?

If so, we encourage you to get in touch with us today! We can collaborate with you to turn your idea or solution into a sustainable and eco-friendly entrepreneurship venture by connecting you with like-minded partners.

About us

The team behind Grinnum comprises individuals and groups from across the globe with diverse backgrounds and expertise who share a common concern for the health of our planet. Our collective skills in scientific, managerial, educational, professional, commercial, social, and entrepreneurial fields enable us to work towards our shared values and interests in effecting positive change towards establishing and promoting sustainable living practices that are in harmony with nature and each other.

Our goal is to start every day by asking ourselves what we can do differently to contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle on Earth. Our efforts are to create green jobs, support Health-Earth-Friendly entrepreneurship, and promote enduring financial growth through the circular economy model.

Our portfolio

In line with our Health-Earth-Friendly goals and through collaboration with a range of inventors, designers, and product developers, we are delighted to present a collection of ideas, inventions, products, and services. We believe that these offerings will have a significant positive impact on promoting healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyles. Our portfolio includes a variety of products at different stages of development, ranging from promising startup ideas to fully scalable products with a proven manufacturing capacity. We may also present specific products available for purchase by qualified buyers, sales agents, or distribution channels.

Exploring our portfolio can provide a unique and exceptional opportunity for B2B partnerships, trade collaborations, or high-potential investment opportunities.

Polluted indoor air is a scilent killer

causing anestimated

6.7 million premature deaths annually.

Shockingly breath worldwide

9 in 10 people breathe polluted air.

A staggering 

630 Million Children

under 5 years old are exposed to harmful air pollution


Providing healthier indoor air quality

As we spend most of our time indoors, the quality of the air we breathe is critical. Poor indoor air quality can contain a range of harmful pollutants, such as moulds, bacteria, viruses, and other allergens, that pose a silent yet vicious threat to our health. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the combined effects of ambient air and household air pollution contribute to an alarming 6.7 million premature deaths every year. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure that we take adequate measures to improve indoor air quality to protect our health and well-being.

With the collaboration of a team of renowned and accomplished scientists, inventors, and biochemists, we are thrilled to introduce APSNAP. This groundbreaking additive powder, developed using advanced nanotechnology, will be in the making very soon and can transform any water-based paint into an active, intelligent, and health-enhancing coating named APSNAP Smart Coating. The coating functions in a manner similar to that of trees and plants in nature by absorbing polluted air and emitting fresh and clean air.

Moreover, the APSNAP Smart Coating possesses anti-odour properties and creates a transparent, self-cleaning film on the surface it covers. With these features, it is truly an extraordinary


Let your walls inhale polluted indoor air and breath out healthy air.

Apsnap Smart Coatingcoating can act as:
Pollutant buster, Antibacterial and anti-virus disinfectant, Anti-odour agent, Anti mould agent, Surface self-cleaner and Energy savour

We are seeking investors to help us expand the production capacity and global sales and distribution channels of our life-saving APSNAP product.

Synthetic Plastic, a man-made bomb

Plastic waste is a destructive weapon with a longer-lasting negative impact on future generations than a nuclear bomb.


A biodegradable and antibacterial plastic for a sustainable lifestyle

A biodegradable and antibacterial plastic for a sustainable lifestyle

Synthetic plastic, a material derived from petroleum, has been extensively used in various human activities for the last century. Despite its widespread use, plastic has caused significant harm to both human health and the environment in recent decades. Plastic pollution has had a devastating impact on both land and sea.

Introducing BIODAP, an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastics. BIODAP is an excellent bio-plastic made from organic waste that degrades within 150 days. In addition, it has outstanding antibacterial properties that can help prevent global issues such as food spoilage caused by microorganisms. This can make food undesirable or unacceptable for human consumption due to changes in its sensory characteristics. Choose BIODAP for a healthier planet and a brighter future.

In 2022, BIODAP emerged as an award-winning innovation in Switzerland, recognized by the International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA).

An antibacterial plastic degradable in nature in 150 days

We are seeking investors to help us expand the production capacity and global sales and distribution channels of our life-saving BIODAP product.

Why not derive the fuel for our lives from an endless, safe, and cost-free source?

In just 24 hours, the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth can generate enough energy to power the planet for 24 years.


Polymeric solar cells based on organic raw materials

Making the transition to a healthy and eco-friendly world depends on our ability to shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. Fortunately, solar energy is one of the most abundant and widely accessible forms of renewable energy on the planet.

We are excited to introduce Soleric, our polymeric solar cells that use organic materials to capture solar energy. Soleric offers an attractive alternative to traditional silicon-based solar cells, with benefits such as lower weight, greater flexibility, reduced manufacturing costs, seamless integration with other products, and a smaller environmental impact during manufacturing and operation. Additionally, Soleric boasts a shorter energy payback time. In recognition of its innovation, Soleric received an award in 2022 from the International Federation of Inventors' Associations (IFIA) in Switzerland.


We are seeking investors to help us expand our production capacity and grow our global sales and distribution channels for this exceptional Go-Green product.

An organic solar polymer that can coat surfaces with any shapes.

We aim to facilitate Health-Earth-Friendly innovations for a sustainable path from Pollution to Solutions.

Do you want to know more?

OK, Let us talk

We are so pleased about your interest in knowing more about the products or innovations we present in Grinnum. We have much more to discuss regarding technical, financial or other practical facts alongside various application fields or development areas.
In our world, Health-Earth-Friendly, products will generate a growing and scalable circular economy, and a sound financial ground will develop more sustainable solutions, innovations, services and products.

Are you a potential investor? In that case, we will be delighted to start an initial talk with you to present the product or innovation in a more standard "Pitch Deck" manner or a pragmatic unconditional conversation.

Instead, suppose you represent a distribution channel, reseller, sales agent, trader or wholesaler. In that case, we will be more than happy to talk with you, considering the great opportunities our products will create for the market and various ways for establishing win-win cooperation.

Are you the one who can, with your skills, experience, expertise or network, facilitate Grinnum's activities? We are so eager to come in contact with you.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any enquiries. Please help us to be more helpful by telling shortly about yourself or your company and the main reason you contact us. We will try to contact you as soon as we can.

Get in touch

We are so pleased about your visit to our website. Don't hesitate to contact us for any enquiries. Please help us to be more helpful by telling shortly about yourself or your company and the main reason you contacted us. We will try to contact you as soon as we can.

+46700666482 +46 8 277 988

Let's-Do-It Clubs

In our world, the required Health-Earth-Friendly transition's essential components are Experts, Inventors, and Investors who are sincerely committed to generating sustainable solutions efficiently. Griunnum's Let's-Do-It Clubs gather these components under the same umbrella for dynamic, creative and fruitful communications, discussions and cooperation.

Are you an INVESTOR?

Please join our Investor Club

Could investment in innovative Health-Earth-Friendly ideas or companies be your passion, speciality or profession? 

In addition to your financial offer, can you add valuable features such as your experience, devotion, networks, and friendship?

Grinnum Investor Club could be the proper, easy-forward and authentic forum for those investors whose interest in their capital growth is aligned with their genuine interest in saving life and our planet.

We are proud of individuals, startups and companies who frequently approach us for funding opportunities. Still, at the same time, we are highly cautious about inventions or products we include in our case portfolio. Therefore, our portfolio is backed only by ideas, inventions or products that we have carefully assessed and approved as authentic Helath-Eart-Freindly solutions.

As a member of our Investment club and according to factors such as investors' goals, interests, preferred areas of investment and other essential preferences, we will match you with suitable investment cases. We also do the due diligence and other actions needed to help you to make the perfect decision. Grinnum and some other members of the investor clubs might co-invest and share the risk and opportunity too.

We welcome you to join our investors' club. Don't hesitate to contact us for a first talk toward fruitful cooperation. 


Please join our Inventor Club

You may have a great innovative idea or have already developed your concept into a ready-to-grow business. Then, you may need other necessary sources such as appropriate Know-how, network or investor. But what kind of sources could be your best choice? And where do you find them? Who gives you the necessary experience, passion, understanding of your sector, guidance and even friendship?

Seeking those sources could be generally time-consuming, tedious and complicated. There are also many risks and uncertainties, particularly from a global perspective. But where do you start?

To help you, we've gathered many tips and guidance from individuals who assist daily with people or companies like yours. As a result, we have built up a group of investors who can finance your business. Still, they also bring experience, passion, networks, an understanding of your sector, guidance and even friendship.

Contact us and be sure that we do our utmost to create a win-win and sustainable solution for YOU and all involved parties.

How can we Cooperate?

Please join our Facilitator Club

Some people create, while others invest in Health-Earth-Friendly ideas, innovations, products, or concepts. But often, such cases need other skills for successful and scalable business activities or companies.

For example, people with skills in management, leadership, advisory, research, administration, marketing, branding, sales, legal, design, manufacturing, packaging, logistics, supply chain, automatisation, IT applications, or Artificial intelligence could be an essential component for getting a "good" Health-Earth-Friendly idea, innovations, products, or concepts to the "great" one.

In Grinnum's Facilitator Club, we collect individuals, freelancers or companies with appropriate skills, experience, knowledge, speciality and genuine passion for facilitating various Health-Earth-Friendly cases toward growth and success.

We welcome you to join our Facilitator club. Don't hesitate to contact us for a first talk toward fruitful cooperation.

We welcome you to join our investors' club. Don't hesitate to contact us for a first talk toward fruitful cooperation. 

By cultivating a Health-Earth-Friendly mindset and adopting sustainable habits, we can work together to create a better world with every step we take.